As a long-term investor, Tyndall Asset Management is focused on the fundamental performance of the companies in which we invest. By positively influencing corporate governance we aim to actively improve returns to investors while promoting long-term decision making by Boards and management. Voting is an important tool in promoting long-term corporate decision making, as is interacting, and communicating with company Boards.
Tyndall Asset Management supports the consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors by companies. In the long-term, ESG issues can materially affect corporate valuations. By promoting the consideration of ESG factors, we seek to positively influence investor returns and corporate decision making. By voting we aim to improve corporate governance and communicate the importance of ESG factors.
Our active management style is designed to add value over the longer term
How to invest
For any enquiries in relation to our products, please contact Investor Services on 1800 034 494.